Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Braised Pork Roast with potatoes and carrots

This will be the first time I will be cooking with some wine. I'm not using a lot but oh boy does this taste good.

Clicking on the Read More button will transfer you to more pictures and of course the recipe.

This may take a while to prepare, but the results are well worth the time.

The Ingredients:
  • One plain pork loin. (Not seasoned. You can do that on your own!)
  • 2 lbs carrots
  • 2 large onions
  • garlic
  • garlic powder
  • Thyme
  • Sage
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • White Wine
  • Chicken Stock
  • Olive Oil

Preparation and Cooking time: approx. 3 Hours.

So, here's what you will need.

Chop up the onions, put aside.

Grab about 5 garlic cloves and mince them into small pieces.

Turn on stove to medium, add oil to pan.

Wash and clean the carrots, cut in thirds and put them under hot water.

Take your roast out of the plastic bag.

Time for the seasoning. Grab the salt, pepper and garlic powder.

I took about this much sage.

And rubbed it all over the pork.

Now, wash your hands :)
The oil in your pan should be nice and hot by now. Time for the roast to go in, be careful.

Let it brown for several minutes, then flip. It should look something like this.

Once its done on both sides, put it on a plate and cover it.

Now, using the remaining oil in our pan we add our onions, minced garlic and a couple pinches of thyme.

Now, let some juice out and add the carrots. Then top it all off with wine. It should look something like this.

Add the roast and let it cook  Cover it and bake it at 350° F for two hours.

Then remove the roast to a plate and let it cool off. Also remove the carrots.

Add the Chicken Stock to remaining Liquid in pan to make the gravy.

Serve with whatever you like, I chose mashed potatoes. :)


  1. That mash looks amazing... and those carrots!! =0

  2. Oh, you're getting fancy on us.

  3. I thought the carrots were sausages. XD Looks great as always mate! Yum. :)

  4. Hehe this seems really nice! I would eat it :)

  5. i hope it tastes better than it looks :p not that it's bad but it's a little bit slimy if you ask me :p

  6. That looks so great, can't want to try making it myself.

  7. oh man thats a lot of work for one meal. hope its good

  8. "approx. 3 Hours." So nothin for the munchies ;)
    I'm hungry now. Gonna eat a bowl of oats! That takes approx. 30 seconds :D

  9. Awesome detail. This is definitely giving me the 1 a.m. munchies.

  10. Very nice indeed, I would personally ditch the carrots, tho :)
    You can visit my blog here.

  11. great work taking the pictures but this looks really complicated

  12. Oh wow! That must have taken you some time. I'll have to try this recipe out sometime.. Thanks

  13. I'd eat the whole thing, even the carrots!

  14. I don't eat pork products personally, but the rest sure does look good :)

    Love the blog man!

  15. Man, does that look good!
    Making me hungry

    Nice blog mate

  16. Wow. When ever I attempt these things, it never looks quite like it's supposed to....o_0

  17. That sauce looks pretty disgusting, must taste good though

  18. That looks quite appetizing if I don't say so myself ; )

  19. omg, i do have some munchies now!

  20. It would taste even better if you let the rub soak in overnight.I followed you from the foodie blog roll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this pork roast widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about recipes for pork roast,Thanks!

  21. :O!!!!! this looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just got an insatiable hunger for roast pork!!

  22. Cheers for giving me munchies! haha

  23. Looks deliciouse :] I shall give it a try!

  24. I don't like it but thanks for sharing ;)

  25. That looks like a typical german meal :D
